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How far between fence posts?

How far between fence posts? Feb. 22, 2023

How far between fence posts?


How far between fence posts?

How far apart should fence posts be?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem. There are many factors that go into determining the space between fence posts, including terrain, livestock, and fencing material. It takes all of these variables into account so that you can choose an optimal spacing for your needs.

If they are too far apart, the strength of your fence will be compromised; if they are too close, your fence will appear strange. For proper spacing, always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations. This article also gives you some guides to build your fence posts at a proper distance.



What is a fence post?


What Is Fence Post?

A fence post is the part of a fence that is driven into the ground, with or without concrete. They are used to support metal fencing, wooden fencing, and other types of fences.

Fence posts can be made from a wide variety of materials, including wood, plastic, metal, or concrete. Of these, metal is the most common as it is very durable and strong. Wooden fence posts are being phased out in modern times as they rot easily and are not as durable.

Concrete fence posts are similar to wood but have the added benefit of being frost-proof. Wood and wooden posts will rot when in contact with the ground and will not fare well in cold climates.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to consider the type of material you’d like to use as a fence post before installation.



What Is Fence Post Spacing?


Post spacing refers to how far apart fence posts should be placed. There are many variables that affect how the posts will be spaced but there are a few basic rules of thumb to follow.

A proper fence post spacing is critical for effective and strong fencing. Otherwise, a small force applied to the fencing may cause it to fall or damage. The standard fence post spacing is typically 6 feet or 8 feet (1.83 meters).



How Far Apart Should Fence Posts Be?


Post spacing depends on three things: the design (style of the fence), the wood you are using, and the type of ground you are fencing. Appropriate spacing for fence posts can maximize a fence’s effectiveness and make it more economical. 



T Post Fence Spacing 


T Post Fence Spacing refers to the distance that is put between T posts. For most fencing, 3 feet or 4 feet is generally considered enough. 

However, T post spacing is not limited to these numbers. 

Spacing can be 4 feet, 5 feet, 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, or whatever needs to be for proper fencing. Generally, the further apart T posts are spaced, the more likely they are to collapse in a storm or high winds.

Typically, a single strand of barbed wire is enough to keep cattle contained on a ranch. A single 8 foot T post wired to an end line with one strand of barbed wire is enough to fence for cattle.

The spacing between T posts for this fence will vary. The first T post must be 8 feet back from the end of the fence. That same distance is the starting point for the next T post. The third T post is placed 12 feet back from the end of the fence. The final T post is placed 16 feet back from the end of the fence. This is for a 24-foot fence with 8 foot T posts.



High tensile steel fencing


High tensile steel fencing

High tensile steel fencing materials like high tensile field fences are more cost-efficient, aesthetically pleasing, and long-lasting than traditional wooden fences. However, when choosing where to place high tensile steel posts for a new field fence in your yard you must keep in mind spacing between posts and the types of materials you plan to attach the fence with.

High tensile field fence has various types of the fence with has each different of post Spacing. For example, for Field fences (High Tensile), the distance is up to 16.5 feet, Field fences (Low Carbon) is 8 feet, Barbed Wire (Low Carbon) is12-15 feet, Smooth Wire (High Tensile) is up to 30 feet…



Wooden fence


A wooden fence is one of the most common types of fencing used today.  For a basic board or picket fence, you can use a post spacing of 4 to 5 feet.  For individual fence boards, choose a distance between 5 and 8 feet. 



What is the average distance between fence posts?


There are very few standardization practices for the spacing of fence posts, which makes it infeasible to determine an average distance. However, there are some published averages, which range from 3 to 7 feet.

 In the United Kingdom, an average of 6 feet is used. In the US, fence posts are typically spaced 10 feet apart along a property line and 6.5 feet apart within a property, but these standards will also depend on the type of fence and the materials used.







Should fence posts be 6 or 8 feet apart?


The spacing of fence posts is determined by the length of the fence; the posts should be evenly spaced. If the fence is 30 feet long, space the posts six feet apart; if the fence is 40 feet long, space the posts eight feet apart.

Moreover, the spacing also depends on the type of wood, the kind of livestock you own, and whether or not you want to install electrified wire.

If you use wood that rots quickly, which means you have to replace the posts every few years, then 8 feet apart is a good distance.

If you use wood that doesn’t rot, which means you won’t have to replace the posts for several decades, then 6 feet apart is a good distance.

If you use wood that rots and you don’t want to replace the posts, then install electrified wire.

For an 8-foot fence, how deep should a post be?


The answer to this question depends on what you are using. If you’re using wood, it should be at least 2 feet deep in the ground. If you’re using metal, it should be about 1 ½ foot deep, around 18 inches deep.



Can fence posts be 10 feet apart?


Maybe, but shouldn’t. By definition, a posthole is used to support a post or pole that acts as a structural element. A structural element is a part or piece that supports a whole system or structure. In this case, the postholes support the fence posts. The distance between two structural elements is dictated by the structural load. 

The distance between two fence posts should depend on the size and strength of the material used to build the fence (e.g. wood, metal, welded wire) and the types of forces that are acting upon it (e.g. wind pressure, human). Fence posts are often spaced too far apart, which leads to the fence being less effective or even falling down completely.



What is the maximum distance between fence posts?


Many areas have laws that dictate the maximum allowable distance between fence posts. In order to comply with these specifications, a surveyor needs to know what the maximum allowable distance is between posts.

The majority of fence posts can be placed 8 to 12 feet apart. A high tensile fence can have wider spacing, for field fence styles requiring line posts up to 15- 20 feet, and for high tensile barbed and smooth wire is up 20-30 feet.





In the end, I think that it’s important to understand how far apart to space your fence posts. This is a problem that plagues homeowners, ranchers, and farmers alike. These measurements are based on the height of most horses that will be traveling through your pasture and pasturing area, but you can change this measurement to fit your needs. When deciding how far apart to set up fences for horse fencing, make sure they’re high enough so that no one can jump over them!


How to Install Fence Posts for Wooden Fence

Updated November 2017

When it comes to building a fence, it is important to have install fence posts to ensure the most stable wooden fence possible.  Installing fence posts is a critical component that’s responsible for keeping your enclosure upright and straight.  Installing a fence post can be tricky business but with right knowledge and tools, you can get the job done.

To start with, make sure you buy the right kind of wooden posts.  It is recommended you stick with pressure treated wood that is rated for ground contact.  Also be sure to check the posts for straightness – obviously the straighter, the better and be sure you acquire posts that are long enough to bury a good part of them in the ground.  The proper wood will minimize rot so be sure to ask a lumber professional for advice.

Installing fence posts: Measure twice, dig once 

Next, make sure you measure out the distance between each post and mark the approximate location of each post. Typical spacing is right around 8 feet between each post however different circumstances may call for different measurements and it is not uncommon to have spacing between posts reach up to 10 feet.  Once you have a rough idea of your post layout start by digging your first hole.

Digging fence post holes is backbreaking work so make sure you have the right tool to make it easier.  A basic post hole digger (clam shell digger) should make things much easier for you and a pry bar can help when you encounter large rocks that need to be knocked loose. If you have access to one, you can also use a power auger and you can check with your local hardware store to see if they rent them.  Dig the hole to be a little bit bigger than the fence post.  If you are going to surround the post in concrete or gravel leave a little extra room to fill it in.  Concrete usually requires a larger hole roughly 12 inches wide for a 4×4 post while gravel can be roughly 8 inches wide for a 4×4 post.

Next, take your fence post and stick it in the hole.  Make sure it is the right height and adjust accordingly by continuing to dig or filling in the hole.  For  a sturdy post you should try and make your hole at least 2 feet deep.  Once you get the height correct, it is time line your post up properly to install fence posts on your wooden fence.

Install fence posts in a straight line

Setting fence posts correctly is pretty easy as long as you line up your post correctly and have a few extra pieces of wood and a level.  Use the level to make sure your post is straight (plumb) and take the pieces of wood and lightly nail them to the post and push them into the ground to act as a temporary holder.  Make sure to leave some of the nail head sticking up as we will be removing these boards once the post has been set.  Here is a nice visual image of how this is done courtesy of how stuff works.

Once you get your first post lined up and secure you can move onto the next hole.  Waiting until after your first post is installed to dig the next hole will help you ensure you get the spacing right.  We also suggest waiting until all your posts are temporarily set before you pour any concrete or dirt back in the hole.  This way you can ensure everything is lined up correctly and minimize your mess to just one day if you are pouring concrete.

The next step in how to install fence posts for a wooden fence is to line up your next post. There is a nice trick that involves using a piece of string and running it from the first post to the next.  You can also use this trick to help you line up your holes.  Finish digging your holes and repeat the steps above to ensure each post is plumb, etc.

Setting fence posts by backfilling with gravel, cement

Once all posts are temporarily set you can proceed to mix any concrete you are going to use or backfill in the holes with dirt or gravel.  When it comes to concrete there are several different options you can choose from.  For a very sturdy fence you can pour concrete in every hole.  This is also recommended for areas with soft or wet soil as it will help slow down the rate of post rot.  Another approach is to use concrete on every other post and each corner post.  This will also offer a sturdy option however is not as sturdy as using concrete on every fence post.  Finally, you can opt to strictly fill the holes with just dirt or a mix of dirt and gravel.  This option will offer the weakest fence posts and your fence will most likely not last as long.  Furthermore, you increase the speed that your post will rot but not encasing it in concrete.


A good practice when pouring concrete is to scrape the concrete up against the fence post so it create a sort of cone above the dirt about and inch or two.  The idea is to seal off the wood so when water is running around the fence post it will not make contact with the wood and rot it out.  Concrete tends to be porous so there will already be a good amount of moisture in contact with the post set in the concrete but this technique aims to reduce the amount of moisture as much as possible.

Once your posts are set allow the concrete to dry and soil to settle before moving on.  You can check your work with a level and by making sure your string is setup in straight line.  And that’s it, after setting fence posts, you are ready to start laying your boards!

Installing steel fence posts on wooden fence

How to install fence posts that are steel is a similar process to installing wooden posts. Steel posts can improve the strength and longevity of a wood fence. Galvanized steel posts for wood fences have a couple of clear benefits because they are stronger than wood ones and will hold up better in strong winds. Steel won’t rot and the zinc coating prevents the metal from rusting. Setting fence posts, whether it be steel or wood, follow a similar installation process.

Should I Hide or Show Steel Posts?

We can design a fence that either shows or hides the posts. Many people like the contrast of metal and wood. A structure that highlights the mix of materials has an industrial-style vibe that is currently in vogue. However, if you want the durability of steel but like the look of wood, we can make the steel posts invisible. We can build your fence either way. Check our gallery to see examples of mixed-media fences.

How Does Metal Compare to Pressure Treated Wood?

Builders often use pressure-treated wood for posts. This type of lumber is treated with pesticides and fungicides. It resists rot and can last for decades. In the past, pressure treated wood contained arsenic. Today’s pressure treated wood no longer contains this poison. However, for those who want to avoid chemicals, steel posts are an alternative. Steel lasts even longer than pressure treated wood. so it’s a popular option for homeowners who are looking to install fence posts for their wood fence.

Are Steel Posts More Expensive than Wood Posts?

Steel posts are available at different prices. Some steel posts, such as the ones used for chain link fences, are less expensive than some types of wood posts. There are also specialty steel posts that are initially more costly than wood.

When comparing costs, remember that steel doesn’t need to be maintained or replaced as often as wood. Also, a stronger post reduces the need for fence repairs after a storm. Speak with one of the specialists at Pacific Fence on how to install fence posts. We’ll help you make the right choice.

Setting fence posts in Portland, OR

From custom orders to prefabricated products, the professionals at Pacific Fence & Wire have seen it all. Contact us today and we’ll work with you to get your project off the ground and completed the way you want.

How to Pick the Perfect Fence Posts for Your Property

How to Pick the Perfect Fence Posts for Your Property


Fence Post Spacing Guide

The structural integrity of your fence depends largely on the materials you choose and how far apart you space the posts.  Too far apart and the strength of your fence is compromised.  Too close and your fence may look strange. For most privacy and general purpose fences, 6 to 8 feet between posts is standard. It’s always good to double-check the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper spacing.


Wooden Fences

If you are using pre-made fence panels, the post spacing is already determined. If you’re building your own fence, choose a distance of between 5 and 8 feet. We recommend that you have 6 or 8 feet intervals.


Wire and Other Fences

There are many types of wire fences, and each type can be stretched out at 15 foot intervals, depending on the purpose. When it comes to other fence materials, spacing should be anywhere between 6 and 20 feet.



How Deep Should a Fence Post Be?

Prepare a post hole that’s about 6 to 8 feet tall, and dig it 2 feet deep. To install a fence post, you’ll need a shovel or post digger, a 6 foot level, soil and gravel or crushed. If you want your garden gate posts to last, you’ll need concrete too.



Should Fence Posts Be Set in Concrete?

If the fence is long, the next best thing to digging a lot of holes is to hire a landscape contractor who has a power auger. You’ll only have to pour a concrete footing for posts that support a gate, are freestanding at the end of the fence, or when rock stops you from digging deep enough, a third of the post’s length. Concrete is an expensive and slow process, but post brace construction is necessary to ensure the posts stand up straight.



Steel vs Concrete vs Wood

Whether you need a new fence for your garden or just want to make sure it lasts for a while, deciding on a new fence might not be easy. Wooden and concrete fence posts are both very popular choices. But they have their pros and cons. Which one is best for your garden? You should think about the practicality, aesthetics, short and long term costs and sustainability of the fence posts. And what if we told you that you could easily find and use wood fence posts in your backyard or on your property? There is also DuraPost, a galvanised fence post system that lasts. In this article, we’ll compare wood, concrete and DuraPost to help you decide which is right for your fence project.



Due to the sheer weight of concrete fence posts, installation takes a lot of time and effort. If you have the right tools and the right help, then you are bound to succeed. If speed is a priority for you, concrete fence posts won’t be for you. A comparison of a wooden post fence system vs a plastic post fence system will show you that the plastic post fence systems are slightly more cost effective. Why is wood more preferable than concrete for fences, since it’s lighter than concrete? Though slightly quicker to install, wooden fence posts still require two people for maximum efficiency. What’s the difference between a galvanised steel fence post and one made from wood or concrete? DuraPost is 80% lighter than concrete. That makes installing the product much faster than using concrete. One of DuraPost’s biggest strengths is the combination of compact design and easy installation. Thanks to DuraPost’s innovative design, the panels cannot be lifted once they have been installed, giving you maximum security.



Some people prefer the aesthetic of a traditional round or square fence post while others prefer the look of a decorative fence post. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which look works best for your yard. Of course, a wooden fence post creates a far more natural appearance than a concrete one. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a sleek, elegant and modern looking fence, you should get a DuraPost fence. DuraPost offers a great looking fence and comes in a range of colors that you can choose from. There are also a number of color matched accessories that are perfect for your fence to finish it off just the way you want it.



The longevity of a fence must be considered. Fence posts that are prone to wear and tear aren’t cost effective in the long run. There are many things to keep in mind when choosing a new fence. One thing to consider is that a rotting fence won’t stand up to strong winds, so look into your local building codes before making your decision. Concrete is a durable building material that lasts for many decades, but it requires regular maintenance to keep it looking great. You heard it right. Concrete isn’t immune to wear and tear. Rain is good for concrete, but the weather may have caused damage to some of your concrete posts. Check for cracks and chip marks and apply a waterproofing sealer to them before you re-paint the post. If you use this tool regularly, it can lead to the internal reinforcing wires becoming exposed. When that happens, the structure weakens, which could result in failure of the device. In comparison, the lifespan of wooden fence posts can vary depending on the type of wood used. Timber that has not been treated is usually replaced every 10 to 15 years. Untreated timber is often replaced earlier than this. But, rotting, splitting and warping are common problems for wooden fence post systems. DuraPost is a strong post that is guaranteed to last up to 25 years. It’s designed to be used in both wooden and concrete fences. DuraPost is made from galvanised steel, so it won’t rust, split, warp, crack or chip and can even withstand winds of up to 110mph!

More about Fence Maintaining here



Choosing an environmentally friendly fence should be a priority for everyone who wants to protect our environment. Concrete fence posts are the biggest threat to the health of our environment, because they have the most impact. What’s the most destructive thing on earth? It’s the most destructive thing on earth, and it is responsible for about 4% of the worlds CO2. Concrete doesn’t last, so it’s not sustainable. While some timber comes from a sustainable source, the cutting of the trees and the production of the timber products requires significant impacts on the environment. It’s releasing carbon into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Treating timber can be harmful to plants and animals. I have a question. What? The chemicals used to preserve the wood are used to protect the fence posts from insects, and fungi that cause rotting. These chemicals, which are known as endocrine disruptors, can leak into the ground and contaminate soil or groundwater. They harm the surrounding living things. A far more sustainable fence is DuraPost. It’s endless recyclability (due to the fact that it’s made of steel), its low energy manufacturing process and long life span offer an environmentally friendly option for everyone. If you’re passionate about the environment, DuraPost is the fence for you.



Don’t just focus on the short-term costs when it comes to pricing. A cheaper fence initially may seem appealing. However, if you are only building the fence once, it could save you time and money in the long run as well. Opting for wood fence posts will make your fence cheaper in the short term but they may require expensive repair or replacement sooner than you expect. Concrete is cheap to buy, but the vulnerability to wear and tear means a high lifetime cost. Compare DuraPost and concrete and timber fence posts. We’ve compared them and the cost of installation and maintenance of a DuraPost fence post is much lower than a concrete and timber fence post. The 25 year warranty, strength and durability means you won’t need to replace your fence system any time soon. The initial investment in DuraPost may be high, but the results are worth the wait.

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